Improving data consistency in Industry 4.0: an application of digital lean to the maintenance record process

  • Francesco Longo  ,
  • Letizia Nicoletti  ,
  • Antonio Padovano  ,
  • dAgostino G. Bruzzone  ,
  • eGiovanni Mirabelli  ,
  • Adriano Solis  ,
  • g Caterina Fusto  ,
  • Jessica Frangella  ,
  • Lucia Gazzaneo  
  • a,c,e,g,h,i DIMEG, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
  • b Cal-Tek S.r.l., Rende (CS), Italy
  • d DIME-University of Genoa, Italy
  • f York University, Toronto (ON), Canada
Cite as
Longo F., Nicoletti L., Padovano A., Bruzzone A., Mirabelli G., Solis A.O., Fusto C., Frangella J., Gazzaneo L. (2019). Improving data consistency in Industry 4.0: an application of digital lean to the maintenance record process. Proceedings of the 31st European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2019), pp. 384-389. DOI:


Being competitive in today’s global business environment requires an even higher productivity, quality, flexibility and service levels in the perspective of the new era of industrial systems based on an augmented knowledge. As a result, many companies have focused their attention on better management of their asset and equipment. In this perspective, some factories have turned to Lean Management guidelines, while others, have tried to become “smart”, following the principles of Industry 4.0 paradigm. Although a positive correlation has been established between them, the integration of lean practices and Industry 4.0 remains an open question that needs to be further explored and analyzed. The paper will give a contribute to the topic, investigating this relation within asset management perspective. In particular, a 4.0 solution will be used to evaluate if and to what extent Industry 4.0 is able to implement the lean principles of Poka- Yoke. The developed tool will prove its effectiveness in solving problems related to the maintenance record management of a firm.


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